Maternity Guide
Becoming a first-time mother is sometimes overwhelming, so we're here to make one thing less daunting... new bras. As soon as you know you’re pregnant, you should start to make some changes to the bras you wear.
You can come to us at any time throughout your pregnancy as everyone’s experience is different. Below is a guide to start you off with some helpful tips.
Bra Fitting Timeline
1st Trimester
For comfort and to allow room for growth, women are advised to stop wearing bras with underwire and choose soft cup, crop tops or sports bras. These are the best for support and comfort, and will accommodate your changing body.
2nd Trimester
WEEKS 13 TO 28
This is the best time to be fitted for your first maternity bra. It’s likely by this time the initial changes to your breasts will have settled down, and you will likely need to go up at least one cup size and back size than your regular size.
3rd Trimester
WEEKS 29 TO 40
The final fitting is done around this time to ensure your maternity bra is going to accommodate your breast changes during the final stages of pregnancy.
Frequently Asked Questions
The baby is here!
Bras with underwire aren’t recommended for pregnant or breast feeding women as the underwire can put pressure on your milk ducts which can lead to blockages and mastitis during and after pregnancy. It’s likely your breasts may become larger as your milk comes in, so if you feel any discomfort wearing your maternity bra, come in for another fitting.
Why can’t I just wear a larger size of my regular size bra?
Wearing a well-fitting maternity bra will not only help your breasts to feel supported and comfortable during this time of significant change and growth, but it will also help prevent stretching of delicate breast tissue and ‘sagging’. A good maternity bra will also help to support your back.
Maternity bras also allow room for your diaphragm to grow and expand during pregnancy, which is not something regular bras are designed for. Maternity bras have softer cups, wider straps and six rows of hooks and eyes to adjust for diaphragm expansion during pregnancy and tighten after your baby is born.
Why do I need to buy a maternity bra?
Most women will experience a growth in their bust size during pregnancy, which will be on average of 2 band and 4 cup sizes larger. This is quite significant growth and it’s important that the breasts feel supported and comfortable
Also, wearing a maternity bra will help to avoid the stretching of delicate breast tissue which can lead to sagging. It also relieves the weight in the breasts and can be helpful in providing back support.
What is the difference between a Maternity and Nursing Bra?
There is no difference, they are designed for pregnant women to also use when breastfeeding.