We are so excited to have April aka Bodzilla back (and just in time for Valentine's Day) talking about how a little bit of TLC can lead to self love - putting yourself first is what we like to hear, so let's scrap those V Day traditions and be a bit selfish this year :)
The first time I stayed in (a version of) a hotel, I was 15. I went on a school trip and we were put into accommodation with our classmates and I remember having no trouble falling asleep, even though it wasn’t my own bed. I also loved leaving behind the unmade bed and the breakfast dishes to go on with my day.
These days, I don’t like sharing my room or my bed if I can help it (if you have a partner, a child or a large dog, you may relate to this?) and so I make a habit of checking into a hotel regularly. I still love the feeling I get whenever I enter the room and see how everything’s so neat and tidy, and knowing I don’t have to do any of the usual chores.
Sometimes it’s out of town on a work night, because I am a commuter and that works well for me. Other times, it’s five minutes away from my house.
This might sound a little weird to anyone who’s had those thoughts about not deserving extravagances but please trust me when I say that you 100% do deserve it! So often we deprive ourselves of things, putting other people’s needs ahead of ours or simply not believing that we should focus on what makes us happy.
We talk a lot about self care and the fact that we need to nurture ourselves - and that looks different for everyone. It could be a long bath with music and candles, it could be a night out with friends. Whatever works!
Self care is self love, to me - and you know how I love to see you loving yourselves!
When you love someone, you should communicate that love. My love language is ‘acts of service’ and so that has to include the way I act towards ME. Telling myself to ‘relax, and let someone else handle it’ by spending the night with a comfy, empty bed and some room service dinner is the perfect way to make sure I am prioritising myself.
I look forward to these nights so much, and always feel so refreshed when I leave a hotel - so if this sounds like an absolutely heavenly way to treat yourself, take my advice and book in now. Go the whole hog, take Monday off and make sure you’re there right at check-in so you can lap up the luxury of it. Jump into a robe, enjoy the comfy bed and say to yourself “I deserve this - because I come first.”
xxx Bodzilla