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Bonds Bloody Comfy™ Period Undies x Bras N Things

Bonds Bloody Comfy™ Period Undies x Bras N Things
Posted in: Product

Periods. Many of us grew up only ever whispering this word, clutching tampons hidden in pockets and ducking to the bathroom as though this time of the month was something to be ashamed of. There seems to have been an agreement made on behalf of women that periods are a taboo topic, only to be discussed so to avoid forced physical exercise.

We know women are many things. We can be determined and flirty, a Queen and soft, all at once and all whilst bleeding. As far as we’re concerned, the fact that women can be so many things whilst on her period, is an achievement to be celebrated rather than hushed away.

We’re aware ending period stigma goes far beyond us. But our contribution to the normalization of conversations about female menstrual health and the commencement of period pride starts here. We’ve teamed up with Bonds to bring you the Bonds Bloody Comfy™ Period Undies, now stocked in-store and Online at Bras N Things. Intrigued? Skeptical? We get it. But before we get to the environmental and cost benefits, question what exactly it is about periods that is undiscussable, when menstruation is a normal and natural part of life.

First things first: how do they work? Bonds Bloody Comfy™ Period Undies are leak proof period undies that, depending on your flow, can replace liners, pads, tampons, and cups, or can be worn with tampons or cups for extra protection. They have been designed with innovative layered technology that wicks away moisture, is super absorbent, leak resistant and odour controlling. Just pop them on like any other regular undies, wear for the day (or change into a fresh pair throughout the day, depending on your flow) then rinse and chuck them in a cold wash. Easy!

Kinder on the planet

According to the Huff Post, each woman will go through approx 9,120 tampons in her lifetime. That’s a lot of waste going into landfill per menstruating lady, especially when you consider packaging, wrapping and applicators too. Bloody Comfy™ Period Undies, which last as many wears as regular undies, help to stop the heavy flow of disposable protection from going into landfill. Plus, where there’s cotton in our Bloody Comfy™ Period Undies, we have made sure it is organic, which is another win for the planet – and your precious skin too.

A Win for Your Wallet

The thing with disposable period protection is you’ve got to continuously top up your supply. Once you’ve used it, you can pretty much kiss it goodbye a couple of hours later. Investing in washable period undies is better for your wallet – and having them at the ready in your top drawer means saving you that last minute emergency dash to the shops, which is especially handy (and safer) right now that we’re encouraged to stay at home.

Light Day to Heavy Days – We’ve Got You Covered, Girl!

Whether it’s a can’t-get-off-the-couch kind of heavy period day or your period is winding down (finally!), we’ve got you covered with three absorbencies to go with your flow. Being stuck at home provides the perfect opportunity to intro your period to Bloody Comfy™ Period Undies so you can nail a routine that keeps you feeling comfy, confident, dry and worry free.

‘Light Days’ equate to 1 tampon. We recommend use for light period days, period spotting, or back up protection when you aren’t sure when your period will arrive.

‘Moderate Days’ equate to 3 tampons. We recommend use for moderate period days, or back up protection on heavy period days.

‘Heavy Days’ equate to 4 tampons. We recommend use for heavy period days, or back up protection for super heavy flow or leaks, or extra overnight protection.

Washing Them Is Surprisingly Simple

All you need to do is rinse your Bloody Comfy™ Period Undies until the water runs clear, then chuck them in a cold wash and hang out to dry. No fabric softeners or bleach required, in fact, they last longer and do their job more effectively without them. So keep it simple – rinse, wash, hang dry, wear, repeat.

Comfy Undies. Period. Stay fresh and dry for all-day comfort. Shop the range here or visit us in-store.

5 years ago
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